BLUETOOTH GPS Mouse (Sirf 2 chipset)

  999.00 EUR
incl. 19% VAT, plus shipping

  • Navilock BT-308

Wireless GPS-Receiver with Bluetooth-technology

Navilock BT-308

Mobile Navigation-System for Laptop, Pocket-PC, PDA and Handys
- Communication with the receiver-station over bluetooth-interface
- SiRF Star II/LP High-Performance-Chip with low power consumption
- Fast proccessing of signal from 12 satellites at the same time
- Fast satellite acquisition time - Supports NMEA 0183 protocols : GGA, GSA, GSV, RMC, GLL, VTG
- Displays GPS/Bluetooth/Battery status per LED
- non-slip
- Integrated Lithium-Ionic-rechargeable battery
- Integrated highly sensitive active gps-antenna

Provided accessory :
 - Incl.100-240 Volt power supply
 - Incl. 12 Volt charger cable
 - Incl. additional antenna
 - 12 channels Bluetooth GPS Receiver